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This is North Georgia College & State University, another update I'm doing from an original by Roy Norrell:
A few of the billboards still aren't finished, because I don't have the logos and info yet.
Here's the line drawing for Franklin County, Tennessee, as drawn by another artist in my boss's employ: Joe Attaway:

Due to an overly heavy work load, Joe couldn't finish the job, so it falls to me to complete it.
They had me make a bunch of changes to the drawing: I added seven buildings, two trucks, a billboard, a street, five town names, and 31 street names; I removed one building and one billboard; and I rearranged or changed 26 buildings, a street, a truck, and two parts of the water line, all while trying to duplicate Joe's fun and funky, spontaneous inking style. Now I'm finally ready to start coloring the dern thing! And adding all the logos and stuff.
Here's another update of a Roy Norrell. Mostly I just changed the billboards and a balloon, to put in the new advertisers.
In the 2003 version, they had a big G with a tiger jumping through it, which I had to replace with a "Since 1901" banner. I added buildings 10 and 12 (on the left), a practice football field (right), a new arena, and a soccer field.
Here's another one, originally done by Roy Norrell, which I recently updated. I added a second baseball field, the Physical Plant (119), the Equine Center (130), and the roads and apartments at University Place (61). I changed a few names and numbers, and deleted a couple of buildings that are being demolished.
I keep to Roy's style, so nobody will notice it's been worked on by a different hand. I hope!
I just got a new job drawing these cartoon maps. Here's one that was pencilled by the late great Roy Norrell, which I then inked and painted.
And here's a close-up from that.The colors are mostly flat, because it was a bit of a rush job. But I hope to make them more painterly in the future.